Top Disease-Fighting Foods for Elderly Health

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It’s no secret that diet becomes increasingly important with age. Changes in digestion and metabolism often equate to changes in how the body uses and absorbs essential nutrients. One way seniors can counter these changes is to include some of the following disease-fighting foods in their diets. 


Loaded with beneficial antioxidants and flavonoids, berries are a tasty addition to any senior’s diet. Antioxidants neutralize cell-damaging molecules (free radicals) while reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and some forms of cancer. 

Dairy Foods

Low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt are among the most beneficial dairy foods for seniors. High amounts of vitamin D in dairy products strengthen bones to prevent osteoporosis. Fat-free and low-fat dairy foods can also control blood sugar in diabetic seniors. 

For older adults who need help planning and preparing nutritious meals, home caregivers can be a wonderful source of support. Maintaining a high quality of life can be challenging for some seniors, but professional caregivers can help them attain this goal. Families can trust in-home care experts to help their elderly loved ones focus on lifestyle choices that increase the chances of living longer and healthier lives.

Fatty Fish

The omega-3 fatty acids in some fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, lake trout, and albacore tuna) can lower blood fats and reduce the risk of heart disease. Seniors can enjoy these benefits by adding fatty fish to their diet at least twice a week, according to American Heart Association recommendations. 

Leafy Green Veggies

Leafy green vegetables present a tasty alternative to dietary supplements for seniors. Darker greens like spinach, kale, and dark varieties of lettuce (romaine, green leaf, arugula, and butterhead) are loaded with vitamin C, folate, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, and antioxidants that can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer and control diabetes. 

If your loved one finds it challenging to prepare nutritious meals, a professional caregiver can be a great asset. Some seniors only require help with a few daily tasks so they can maintain their independence. However, those living with serious illnesses may need more extensive assistance. Luckily, there is professional live-in care Lincoln, CA, seniors can rely on. Home can be a safer and more comfortable place for your loved one to live with the help of an expertly trained and dedicated live-in caregiver.

Whole Grains

Folic acid, selenium, and B vitamins are just some of the nutrients found in whole grains that can help seniors boost their heart health, control their weight, and reduce their risk of developing diabetes. Beneficial whole grains include whole wheat bread, brown rice, and whole-grain pasta. 


Raw, cooked, sliced, diced, chopped, and stewed tomatoes are full of nutrients like powerful antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and potassium. According to the American Cancer Society, nutrients in tomatoes may help senior men reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer.

A trained professional caregiver can be an ideal resource when you’re trying to help your loved one lead a healthier lifestyle. Not every senior has the same care needs, which means they don’t all need the same type of at-home care. Lincoln families can rely on Home Care Assistance to provide individualized care plans to meet their elderly loved ones’ unique care needs. Our holistic Balanced Care Method was designed to help seniors focus on healthy lifestyle habits such as eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and maintaining strong social ties, and our Cognitive Therapeutics Method offers mentally stimulating activities that can boost cognitive health and delay the onset of dementia. To create a customized in-home care plan for your loved one, call us at (916) 226-3737.


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